Monday, 31 October 2011

coming to an end..

--entrepreneurs talk--

good thing i did not skip this lecture. Its good to listen to people whom have really been there and done that. Since this is my 2nd last semester. what to do after graduation has dominated much of my thoughts. its good to be assured that you dont neccessarily have to start young if you want to go into entreprenuership.

on another note, chin leung reccommended some books for us to read. coincidentally, i have read one of the books. Atlas shrugged by Ayn Rand. It's a really good read(chapter 1 was boring though). Its about individualism. I see alot of people using this as an argument for capitalism but i dont think its the same thing nor is there any correlation between the two. Anyways i like the protaganist very much cause she is incredibly outstanding and has never once grumbled in the face of adversity. She also has never given any justification of any sort for achievement nor preached its virtues. She did just because. thinking about getting fountain head now.. hmm..

--final project--

wrapped up some things before the presentation. We've been working really hard at this and I like the product very much. I hope everyone in class likes it too.

1 comment:

  1. We've been working really hard at this and I like the product very much. I hope everyone in class likes it too.

    What's *really* important as an engineer is to like what you make. If you make stuff you dun like, you don't have enough pride. Take it from Jobs. :-)

    Hang in there and finish strong. :-)
