Monday, 8 August 2011

What I hope to Learn in CS3216

Hello World.

I would like to congratulate myself upon securing a place in this module. Although I might need to eat my own words in the next few weeks to come given its reputation. So. What do I hope to get out of this module?

Firstly, to learn the relevant technical skills. While I do have some experience in web programming, the furthest I have ventured is to build a database driven website. I would like to learn how to build apps and Facebook apps is one of them.

Also, to attempt to build something that is sound in terms of design and the technicals. most modules i have done so far focus only on either. Which is great as an academic exercise but clients and bosses usually have much higher expectations. Hence, I believe it will be beneficial to have some experience with slightly loftier expectations before venturing out into the working world.

Furthermore, since the class consists of people from differing disciplines, I suppose I would have the opportunity to hone soft skills.

Lastly, I also hope to learn what I do not expect to learn in this course. Coming from a technical background, I hope others will have a thing or two to teach me. Even if it does not seem applicable to me. Who knows? I intend to keep an open mind. :)

Cheers to a fruitful semester. good luck. god speed. may the force be with you.

1 comment:

  1. An open mind is good.

    I look forward to reading your last blog post of the semester to see what else besides the "standard" stuff you managed to figure out in the course of the semester. :-)
